Leg Day

NOTORIOUS!..AKA Leg day. It is a day many gym goers dread or at least do not look forward to as much as say…chest day! Dread no more, with routine implementation leg day will become a staple of your fitness. Squats 10 reps for 3 sets (3×10) on 225 lbs 3 reps for 3 sets (3×3) […]

Benefits of Overtraining

You may have been told at one point, or perhaps many points, about the dangers of over training and why you should not do it. I am also a believer that too much of anything is not not good. However in this article I wish to talk about why “over”-training may be beneficial when exercising. […]

Bicep Blitz

In this article we look at how to get the most out of arm day. Arms get worked vicariously through other exercises intended for other parts of the body however the exercises in this article isolate the bicep muscle and growth. Each exercise should be done with proper form and continuously. Let the blitz begin! […]